Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lots of new stuff!

Lots of new stuff going on!

I'm an intern right now at, doing web/application development, scripting, analytics, debugging, testing, and anything else geek related. It's a blast! I get to learn and use a lot of neat tools like sed and awk

Also, I joined a couple of cool meet-up groups like Django nyc and python nyc, each of which has a lot of really smart people involved, lot of great ideas coming out of those groups. Lot's to learn from them!!

I was able to meet Steve Holden of the Python Software Foundation, as well as Jakob Kaplan Moss, one of the founders of the Django open source project, got to hear some interesting stories and have a few beers, thanks to our sponsor, HUGE inc.

Pycon is coming up, unfortunately I can't go, being a student requires that you be too poor to do anything like that, haha. Fortunately, there's going to be a lot of coverage from people at django nyc and python nyc, so there's still a lot to look forward to.

And to top it all off, I made it to the very last level for the first time in nethack, I got all the way to the Astral plane and got demolished. It was my first time getting even remotely far in that game, which was pretty cool, although it kinda sucked that I didn't ascend. Oh well, much to learn from that I guess.

Well, back to work, hopefully I'll have a cool project to work on soon that I can make a couple posts about. I've got a few ideas floating around but I need to find a bit of time to get them rolling.

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